We, the duly elected members of the Republican Party Central Committee of Cache County, Utah, meeting in connection with the September 26, 2024 Central Committee Meeting, do hereby approve and establish the following By-Laws, effective immediately:
The Republican Party Central Committee of Cache County, Utah, hereinafter referred to as the "Central Committee," shall consist of all
Voting Precinct Chairs, Vice Chairs, Treasurers, and Secretaries elected at the most recent Republican Party Caucuses (mass meetings) held in their respective Precincts, the
duly elected or appointed members of the Executive Committee listed in Article 5 below, the
members of the State Central Committee, the
Cache County Republican Women’s Chair, the
Utah State University College Republicans Chair, the
Cache County Teenage Republicans Chair, the
Cache County Republican Veterans Caucus Chair, the
elected Presidents or Chairs of official Party Auxiliaries, and the
elected Republican state and county officials representing or residing in Cache County.
The Central Committee shall govern the affairs of the Republican Party in Cache County and shall exercise those powers conferred by the Utah Republican Party Constitution and by these By- laws.
(2A) Meetings of the Central Committee may be convened at any time
upon the call of the County Chair, or
at the written request of any twelve (12) members of the Central Committee or
any four (4) members of the Executive Committee specified below.
Central Committee meetings shall be held at least semi-annually in Spring and Fall. A quorum for the Central Committee shall be 50 members, or a majority of precincts represented.
(2B) Notice of all meetings shall be given at least twenty (20) days beforehand, except in cases of emergency as determined by the County Chair.
(2C) The County Party website is the official communication medium of the Cache GOP. Emails and text messages may also be used to facilitate communication.
The notice requirements specified in these by-laws, as well as for event invitations, shall be delivered via the official Cache GOP email service.
Official communications, notice, and invitations may be delivered via electronic media and/or hard copy media at the discretion of the Chair.
(3A) The officers of the Central Committee shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. Such officers shall be elected by the Central Committee, County Delegates and ex officio delegates at the organizing convention held in odd- numbered years in accordance with the provisions of the Utah Republican Party Constitution. Such officers shall be seated immediately after election and shall serve through the next county organizing convention.
(3B) Any Republican who desires to run for one of these offices must file a letter of intent with the current Chair of the Party no less than ten (10) days prior to the County Organizing Convention (odd-numbered years), in order for their name to appear on the ballot. Persons filing after the ten day deadline will not appear on the ballot and must have the signatures of 50 delegates in order for their candidacy to be valid.
(3B1) Definitions: Party Property includes: All official Cache GOP (Party) contacts, calendars, email accounts and addresses, web domains, login IDs, passwords of Party cloud services, accounts, bank accounts, Treasury bookkeeping and accounting records, IRS and State, organizational documents, correspondence, determination letters, as well as any other Party assets used for the function and operations of the Party as well as items purchased by the Party.
(3B2) Party Property belongs to the county party and will be transferred to the new officers within 48 hours of their election.
(4A1) COUNTY Chair. The Chair of the Central Committee, in addition to the duties with which he/she is charged by statute, shall be the
chief executive officer of the Republican Party in Cache County and shall
preside over all meetings of the
Central Committee, the Executive Committee and the Advisory Committee.
He/she shall effectuate the policies determined by said committees and shall perform all duties as may be prescribed by these By- laws, or as may be assigned by the Executive Committee or the Central Committee.
(4A2) He/she shall arrange for a biennial review of the Central Committee finances and records to be completed by a qualified person approved by a majority of the executive committee, who is not a member of the executive committee, two weeks prior to the County Organizing Convention (odd-numbered years), so that a report of the audit may be given at the convention.
(4A3) At any of the above committee meetings, the Chair or acting Chair may vote to make or break a tie.
(4B) VICE Chair. The Vice Chair of the Central Committee shall assist the Chair in the duties of his/her office and exercise the powers of the Chair during his/her absence or disability. The Vice Chair shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Chair, the Executive Committee or the Central Committee.
(4C) SECRETARY. The Secretary of the Central Committee shall keep the minutes and attendance records of all meetings of the Central Committee, the Executive Committee, the County Conventions and the Advisory Committee, and shall be custodian of the minutes, files and records of each of these committees as delegated.
The Secretary shall disseminate all official communications to the party membership as directed by the Chair.
(4D1) TREASURER. The Treasurer of the Central Committee shall account for all monies of the Central Committee, keeping regular books of account, and shall be a member of the Finance/Budget Committee. The Treasurer shall, whenever required to do so by the Central Committee or Executive Committee, make an exhibit of the treasury and submit his/her books, records, and vouchers for examination and/or audit.
(4D2) The books and records of the treasury shall be subject to a biennial review by a qualified person approved by a majority of the executive committee, who is not a member of the executive committee. The Treasurer shall also make an interim report on the state of the treasury at every other meeting of the Executive Committee and at the semiannual Central Committee meetings. The Treasurer shall provide all information requested for the financial review required in 4A2.
(4D3) The Chair shall propose and the Executive Committee shall approve a budget for future expenses. The Treasurer or a signer on the bank account shall only make payments by check or debit card for items approved by the Executive Committee and if budgeted, within the total category budgeted amount approved by the Executive Committee. The budget category shall be printed in the memo line of the check. Any budgeted expense over $100 must be a separate line item. Credit cards may not be issued in the name of the Party. All contracts and budgets terminate on the last day of the month following each organizing convention.
(5A1) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The executive powers of the Central Committee shall be vested in the Executive Committee. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to cooperate with the State Central Committee and its officers in conducting political campaigns and in carrying out the directions of the Central Committee.
(5A2) The Executive Committee of the County Central Committee shall consist of the
officers of the Central Committee, and
County Council District Chairs.
County Council District Vice Chairs shall be members of the Executive Committee, but shall have voting status only when the County Council District Chair is absent.
(5A3) When a member of the Executive Committee files to run for a state or county government elected office, the member’s position is vacated.
(5A4) At the County Organizing Convention (odd-numbered years), the Central Committee members, along with the elected county delegates, shall divide themselves into separate caucuses for each of the County Council Districts within the County and shall each elect by majority vote a County Council District Chair to the Executive Committee.
The duly elected County Council District Chairs shall, with approval from the Executive Committee, appoint a County Council District Vice-Chair, and shall act as representatives of their respective County Council Districts on the Executive Committee. They shall be seated immediately after election and shall serve through the next county organizing convention.
(5A4.1) The candidate filing period for Party Officer, District Chair or Central Committee Member
opens 45 calendar days before the election and closes at 5 PM 7 days before election day.
Individuals seeking to run must file with the Party the information listed in Article 7. Within 1 business day of receipt, party will publish on its website home page and social media accounts notice of filing and provide electronic delegate contact information in a spreadsheet file. The Party will provide delegate RSVP status to candidates immediately upon request. The Party will not charge candidates fees for filing or campaigning or using delegate contact lists or convention booth space, or any other reason.
(5A5) The duties of the County Council District Chairs shall include
(a) conduct the County Council District Caucuses at Cache County Republican Party Conventions;
(b) oversee the precincts within the County Council District he/she is elected to represent;
(c) assist in the preparation of Party Caucuses;
(d) assist in the collection of Precinct Caucus reports and donations;
(e) maintain delegate lists with the Party Secretary;
(f) actively assist all candidates who have received the Republican nomination;
(g) assist elected Republican legislators as requested;
(h) actively promote the purposes of the Party; and
(i) perform other duties requested by the Party Chair.
County Council District Chairs and the Party Secretary may appoint individuals to assist in the maintenance of precinct delegate and other officer lists, and of other duties as the Executive Committee and Central Committee may direct.
(5A5.1) The duties of the Council District Vice Chairs shall
(a) assume the responsibilities of the County Council District Chair in the absence of the County Council District Chair;
(b) perform other duties as requested by the Council District Chair; and
(c) be members of the Credentials Committee for County Organizing and Nominating Conventions.
(5A6) Meetings of the Executive Committee may be convened at any time
upon the call of the County Chair, or
at the written request of any four (4) members of the Executive Committee.
Executive Committee meetings shall be held at least quarterly.
Executive Committee meetings of any size may follow Roberts Rules of Order Procedure in Small Boards (section 49.21) at the discretion of the committee.
Notice of all meetings shall be given at least seven (7) days beforehand, except in cases of emergency as determined by the County Chair.
(5A7) A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of at least six (6) voting members present at the meeting.
(5A8) When the Executive Committee uses text or group chat services (such as GroupMe) to vote
on motions outside of a noticed meeting, results are binding if all members are notified of the vote at the same time and at least 6 members vote. The balloting period starts at the time the call to vote is issued and closes when all members have voted or 24 hours has elapsed excluding the hours of 10 PM through 8 AM and all day Sunday. The party Secretary shall record minutes of electronic votes.
(5A9) The Executive Committee may meet using Robert’s Rules Sample Rules for Electronic Meetings Scenario A, 1-12 (RR 12, pp. 639-641) or rules approved by the two-thirds of the Executive Committee. All votes are roll-call votes.
(5A10) All policy votes approved by the central committee or executive committee expire at the end of the next Organizing Convention.
(5B1) FINANCE/BUDGET, ADVISORY AND OTHER COMMITTEES. The County Chair may appoint a Finance/Budget Committee, an Advisory Committee and such other committees as he/she shall deem appropriate. The Chair of each of these committees may be a non-voting/ex-officio member of the Executive Committee. These committees shall meet at least quarterly to conduct business.
(5B2) THE FINANCE/BUDGET COMMITTEE shall cooperate with the Treasurer of the Central Committee in preparing budgets and in raising funds to carry on the work of the Party. All funds raised by the Finance Committee shall be paid over to the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Finance/Budget Committee.
(5B3) THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE shall be comprised of dedicated Republicans appointed by the County Chair and shall make suggestions and recommendations to the Executive Committee as requested by the County Chair.
(5C1) STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS. The County Chair and Vice Chair are automatically members of the State Central Committee. Additional County Representatives to the State Central Committee shall be elected at the County Organizing Convention (odd-numbered years). County representatives to the State Central Committee shall be seated after the state organizing convention and shall serve for two years, in accordance with the Utah Republican Party Constitution, Article XII, 6F.
(5C2) The number of county representatives elected to serve on the State Central Committee is determined by the State Party.
(6A) NUMBERS OF DELEGATES. The total number of delegates to the county convention shall be no less than five hundred (500). The total number of state delegates allowed from each county is determined by the State Party.
(6B1) PRECINCT CAUCUSES. The party shall call a party caucus of citizens in each voting precinct to be held at each date and time determined by the Utah Republican Party. The County Executive Committee, in consultation with the Precinct Chairs, shall designate the locations where the party caucuses will be held. The chair of each voting precinct shall cause notice of the time and place of the party caucus to be posted in at least three public places in the voting precinct at least five days before the date of the caucus, and shall chair the caucus.
(6B2) The party caucus for each voting precinct shall elect a voting precinct chair, vice chair, secretary, and treasurer; and the number of delegates to the county and state conventions that the voting precinct has qualified to elect, plus alternate delegates up to twice the number of delegates. Each voting precinct caucus may elect one delegate to the county convention and the state convention for each definite number, determined for each convention by the county executive officers, of votes cast at the last November election within the voting precinct for all the party's candidates for the offices of governor and lieutenant governor; attorney general, state auditor, and state treasurer, excluding the vote for any candidate who had no opposition.
(6B3) Balloting shall continue for at least one-half hour after the time the party caucus opens for business. The newly elected precinct officers assume their duties at the end of the caucus. They shall certify and deliver the results of the election for delegates and voting precinct officers to the county party chair. The county chair and secretary shall deliver the results to the state party chair. The county chair and secretary shall prepare a complete register of all the names of the persons elected as delegates to the county nominating convention in the voting precincts; and make the register available for inspection by any county central committee member at reasonable times.
(6B4) Should a precinct not fill its quota of state delegates assigned, balloting will be held at the county convention between the alternate delegates from the County Council District wherein that precinct lies to fill those vacant positions.
(6B5) Ex Officio Delegates: The County Executive Committee voting members, members of the State Republican Central Committee who represent Cache County, and Republican State and Cache County elected officials who reside in Cache County shall have ex officio delegate status to the county and state conventions, if they so desire. Ex officio delegates to the state convention are subject to ratification by the county nominating convention.
Voting precinct chair and Auxiliary Chairs/Presidents shall have ex officio delegate status to the county nominating convention.
Precinct Officers and Auxiliary Chairs/Presidents shall have ex officio delegate status to the county organizing convention.
Ex officio delegate status shall go with the office, not with the person. Ex officio delegates are in addition to the delegate allocation determined above (6B2).
(6B6) All regular county and state delegates shall represent the precinct in which they live. At County meetings and conventions, ex officio delegates shall only represent the precinct in which they live.
Any member who holds more than one office and/or delegate position may only cast one vote.
(6B7) Within two business days of receipt of a request for the delegate list by a non-signature gathering candidate who has filed to run for elected office at the nominating convention, the party will provide electronic delegate contact information in a spreadsheet file. The Party will provide delegate RSVP status to candidates within two business days upon request.
Any person voting in a party caucus, seeking a position as a delegate or seeking any other precinct or party office or elected office must be qualified as follows:
(A) U.S. Citizen;
(B) 18 years of age or older by the next general election;
(C) Reside in the geographical boundaries by the next general election for which the position represents;
(D) A registered Republican; and
(E) Not a member of any other political party.
(8A) Any absence caused by the inability of any duly elected county, state or ex officio delegate to attend a County or State Republican Party Convention or Special Election, shall be filled by the respective precinct Chair, who shall select a substitute from the voting precinct in which the absence occurs from among the alternate delegates elected at the precinct caucus in elected rank order.
If an absence of an ex-officio delegate cannot be filled by a precinct chair after contacting every alternate delegate two weeks prior to a convention or election, the Precinct Chair shall request the Executive Committee fill the absence by selecting a substitute from among the District Vice Chairs.
When the number of elected delegates is less than the qualified number, empty positions shall be filled with alternate delegates.
(8A1) When absent delegates subsequently become available, they notify the precinct Chair, who will fill new absences with delegates in order of notification before selecting from the alternate list.
(8B) If the absence of a state delegate is not filled from the voting precinct as provided for in (8A), and at the request of the precinct chair, a substitute delegate will be selected from the alternate delegates in the county council district in which the voting precinct lies by the District Chair.
(8D1) In the event of a vacancy in the office of County Chair, the County Vice Chair shall automatically become the County Chair, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee. The County Central Committee shall meet within forty-five (45) days after the vacancy occurs, or at the next County Convention, whichever is sooner, with at least ten (10) days prior notice, for the purpose of electing a County Vice Chair.
(8D2) In the event of a vacancy in the office of County Secretary, Treasurer, or County Council District Chairs, the County Chair shall fill the vacancy by appointment, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee.
(8D3) In the event of a vacancy in an elected seat on the State Central Committee, the Party Chair shall immediately appoint the person who received the next highest delegate vote and received at least ten (10) percent of the votes cast at the most recent County Convention. When the list of those remaining qualified candidates is exhausted, the County Chair shall fill any such vacancy by appointment, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, at the next meeting of the Executive Committee and prior to the next State Central Committee Meeting.
(8D4) The County Secretary shall notify the State Party Secretary of any replacements in the office of County Chair, County Vice Chair, and elected State Central Committee within 10 (ten) days of a vacancy and prior to the next State Central Committee Meeting.
(8E) In the event of a vacancy concerning a Precinct Chair, the Precinct Vice Chair shall become the Chair and shall appoint a new Vice Chair.
(8F) If the offices of both Precinct Chair and Vice Chair are vacant, the respective County Council District Chair may appoint a new Precinct Chair. In the event of a vacancy in the offices of Vice Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer of any Precinct, the Precinct Chair of that Precinct is empowered to appoint a successor.
(8G) The appointment of a successor to any vacancy shall be limited to the remainder of his/her predecessor's unexpired term.
(8H1) For vacancies in the office of a Republican Representative or Senator in the Utah Legislature, whose district lies completely within Cache County, a replacement shall be elected by the district’s County Delegates, in accordance with Utah Code 20A-1-503.
(8H2) For vacancies in Cache County elected offices: Executive/Surveyor, Assessor, Clerk/Auditor, Treasurer, Recorder, Sheriff, and County Council; members of the Cache Central Committee and County Delegates from the precincts governed by that office shall choose a replacement in accordance with Utah Code 20A-1-508.
(8H3) For vacancies in the office of Cache County Attorney, the Cache Central Committee shall select three nominees in accordance with Utah Code 20A-1-509.1.
(8H4) The candidate filing period for a special election opens 48 hours after official notice of the vacancy is received by the party and closes at 5 PM 7 days before election day. Individuals seeking to run in a special election must file with the Party the information listed in Article 7. Within 24 hours of receipt, party will publish on its website home page and social media accounts notice of filing and provide electronic delegate contact information in a spreadsheet file. The Party will provide delegate RSVP status to candidates immediately upon request.
(9A) All matters to be voted upon by any committee established by these By-laws or any convention or precinct caucus shall be by majority vote of those present and authorized to vote, unless otherwise specified herein.
An election vote among multiple candidates to fill more than one position that does not produce enough majority vote winners to fill the positions shall be completed either by additional rounds of voting among the remaining candidates or by ratifying the plurality vote winners by a majority vote.
Voting for each office at any Central Committee meeting or county convention shall be among only the voting precincts governed or represented by that office. These votes shall be in person and by paper ballot or other method that can be verified and audited. Voting by proxy is expressly prohibited at any meeting of any committee established herein or any convention or precinct caucus.
(9B) The County Executive Committee and Elected officials shall be entitled to participate in all elections and all other matters before the County Convention in the same manner as any delegate to the Convention.
(9C) The Organizing Convention and Special Elections use multiple ballots in races with three or more candidates for one position and preference voting for races with multiple positions. Per State Party Constitution, the Nominating Convention must choose multiple ballots or preference voting for races with three or more candidates for one position.
(9C.1) MULTIPLE BALLOT METHOD: The election will have a maximum of three rounds until one candidate receives a majority vote. If there are four or more candidates, the first round narrows the field to three, and subsequent rounds drop one candidate each time. In the event the final two candidates tie at 50% a coin toss shall determine the winner.
(9C.2) PREFERENCE VOTING METHOD: If the nominating convention chooses preference voting for a race with a single winner, the following method is used: Voters rank candidates on the ballot in order of preference; 1,2,3 etc. with 1 being the most preferred. Ballots are counted to establish the number of votes for each candidate. If one candidate has more than half of the first-choice votes, that candidate wins. If not, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and the voters who selected that candidate as their first choice have their votes added to the total of the candidate who was their next choice. This process continues until one candidate receives a majority of the votes, and that person is declared the winner. In the event the final two candidates tie at 50% a coin toss shall determine the winner.
(9D) Any candidate for elected office who receives at least 70% of the votes cast for that office on any ballot at the county convention shall be the party's nominee for that position. If no candidate receives that total on the final ballot, then the two (2) candidates receiving the most votes will be certified for the primary election ballot, and the primary election results will determine the party's nominee.
(9E) Any candidate who is unopposed at the county convention must be confirmed by a majority vote at the convention to be the party's nominee for the respective office.
(9F) The current Cache County Republican Platform, with amendments at subsequent county conventions, shall be the continuing statement of our principles of government.
(9G) A candidate for a county, state legislature or state school board office who filed an official intent to gather signatures but who has not been chosen by a party convention will not receive any recognition as a candidate or assistance in any form from the county party until after the primary election, unless required by law. Signature gathering candidates are always listed on ballots after non-signature gathering candidates.
(10A) Robert's Rules of Order shall govern all meetings contemplated by the By-laws when not in conflict herewith.
(10B) These By-laws may be amended at any time by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of qualified voting members or delegates present at a regular or specifically called County Central Committee meeting or County Convention, respectively.
(10C) A copy of the By-laws and any amendments hereto shall be furnished to all members of the Executive Committee and to the Utah Republican Party Chair within 30 days after enactment and to any interested Republican thereafter upon request.
(11) Groups may petition the Executive Committee to become or continue as an official Auxiliary every two years by meeting and maintaining the following minimum criteria:
Groups bylaws and platform are consistent with the Cache GOP Platform, and;
The group has a list of at least 25 active registered Republican members, and;
All officers of the group are registered Republicans, and;
The group’s documents shall outline a method of election of officers with terms of office not
being greater than two years.
The group shall meet at least quarterly with a minimum of 10 members in attendance. Notice
of all meetings shall be noticed to all members.
The Executive Committee approves or rescinds auxiliary status by two-thirds (2/3) vote. If the Executive Committee determines that an auxiliary no longer meets any of the above criteria, it may rescind the auxiliary status of the group at any time.
Reserved for future use
Amended by the CCC September 26, 2024
Previous Versions
Bylaws Nov 2017
Bylaws Oct 2015