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Saturday, May 3, 2025 at Green Canyon High School.

Candidate Open House begins at 8 AM.

Credentialing begins at 8:00 AM, call to order 10:00 AM. 

Note:  This proposed agenda is not official until the delegates (you!) adopt it at the meeting.  If you have an item you would like to add, please email

  1. Welcome, Chair

  2. Invocation: 

  3. National Anthem

  4. Pledge of Allegiance

  5. Credential Report

  6. Adopt Standing Rules (listed below)

  7. Adopt Agenda

  8. Approve Minutes Fall 2024 Central Committee Meeting

  9. Financial Audit

  10. Ratify ex officio delegates to the State Convention

  11. Approve uncontested races

  12. State Central Committee Elections

    1. Election speeches

    2. Credential Report Supplemental​

    3. Balloting

  13. County GOP Officer Elections

    1. Credential Report Supplemental

    2. Treasurer​

    3. Secretary

    4. Vice Chair

    5. Chair

  14. District Chair Elections

    1. Credential Report Supplemental​

    2. Divide by district into different rooms for elections

  15. Bylaw Proposals, if offered before the meeting, will be published on this page

  16. Adjourn

The MISSION of the Cache GOP is to get our Platform into government, by promoting and defending the Constitution through finding, electing and supporting principled Republicans through the caucus-convention system and through media, social events, training and education.​​


Standing Rules, RR 59:27

  1. These rules shall govern any conflict with Robert's Rules.

  2. Debate time for the adoption of the agenda is limited to 20 minutes.

  3. Each delegate to this meeting will be issued a credential card that is non-transferrable and must be displayed at the time of voting.

  4. Only credentialed Republicans are allowed to speak unless approved by the chair per RR 61:19.

  5. Candidate speaking time is limited to 5 minutes each.  Speaking order is determined by candidate dice roll.

  6. Elected Official and Auxiliary Reports: These addresses may occur at any time during the proceedings, as time allows, as determined by the chair.

  7. In order to ensure the efficiency of the convention and respect of attendees time, items of business may be moved forward at the Chair’s discretion, as time allows.

  8. Bylaw/Platform Proposal Discussion:  Maximum time limit for discussion on each proposal is 15 minutes.  The person who proposes the bylaw will have 5 minutes to introduce the proposal.  Speakers are limited to 60 seconds each. Speakers may ask the person proposing the bylaw change questions, who may give short responses.  At the end of the discussion period, the body may motion to extend the debate time by a specific number of minutes by majority vote, otherwise all pending amendments are voted on in their current state after which the main motion is voted on.

  9. Speakers face the chair when making motions, and may face the body when presenting information.

  10. Affiliates may exhibit and distribute literature inside the foyer of the venue without charge.  All other entities desiring a booth/table to exhibit must be approved by the Executive Committee and pay the required fee.  Exhibits are confined to designated areas inside the foyer.  Exhibitors are responsible to remove their materials after the Convention. Exhibitor shall pay any required cleaning fees for which they are responsible.  Any and all literature distributed must prominently display the name and contact information of the group or person responsible for it. Any literature being distributed without this disclosure may be removed from the premises.

  11. Speaking order is determined by the rolling of dice on the morning of the convention.

Voting Threshold  

Bylaw 9A: All matters to be voted upon by any committee established by these By-laws or any convention or precinct caucus shall be by majority vote of those present and authorized to vote, unless otherwise specified herein.

Bylaw (9F) The current Cache County Republican Platform, with amendments at subsequent county conventions, shall be the continuing statement of our principles of government.

Bylaw 10B: These By-laws may be amended at any time by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of qualified voting members or delegates present at a regular or specifically called County Central Committee meeting or County Convention, respectively.


Voting Percentage Calculation

Due to 9A requiring a “majority vote of those present,” Roberts Rules 44:7-9 requires the denominator of the percentage calculation include all credentialed voters in the hall at the time of the vote whether they vote or not. To comply with this requirement, the chair will ask if everyone has voted before closing balloting so the ballot count is the denominator. 

Quorum:  RR 3:4  "In the meetings of a convention, unless the bylaws of the organization provide otherwise, the quorum is a majority of the delegates who have registered at the convention as in attendance, irrespective of whether some have departed."


Agenda Organizing Convention

Copyright Cache County Republican Party.  All rights reserved.

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