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"The Republican Party Central Committee of Cache County...shall govern the affairs of the Republican Party in Cache County and shall exercise those powers conferred by the Utah Republican Party Constitution and by [the county] Bylaws. Central Committee meetings shall be held at least semi-annually in Spring and Fall."

Date and location to be determined.  Watch this page!

Attending: Precinct Chairs, Vice Chairs, Treasurers, and Secretaries elected at the most recent Republican Party Caucuses (mass meetings) held in their respective Precincts, the duly elected or appointed members of the Executive Committee, ex officio.  See Article 1 of the bylaws.

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How The Republican Party Works

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Delegates represent their precinct in selecting candidates for the primary and general elections.  Delegates determine each candidates fitness for the office and their fidelity to Republican principles and platform.  If a candidate does not receive at least 70% of the convention vote, the top two candidates advance to the Primary election.

Nominating Convention Results April 13

Approved by Acclamation
Council Logan 2: Barbara Tidwell
County Clerk:  Bryson Behm
County Recorder: Tennille Johnson
County Treasurer: Craig McAllister
County Assessor: Brett Robinson
County Clerk/Auditor: Bryson Behm
Join with us in defending liberty!

Register to vote, update your voter registration information, or update your ballot mailing address at the Utah Voter Registration Website.  Your vote counts! 

Utah Code 20A-3A-202(9) allows voters to ask their Election Officer NOT to send a mailed ballot. These citizens will simply vote in person.  Request must be received 60 days before the next election.

Watch Tad Callister's Lincoln Dinner Presentation

Slide Deck
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Join with interested groups to serve our community:

The MISSION of the Cache GOP is to promote and defend the Constitution and values of our party Platform through finding, electing and supporting principled Republicans in elected offices through the caucus-convention system and through media, social events, training and education.

Declaration of Independence


US Constitution


Bill of Rights




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